Prof. Jamal Assadi ترجمة لقصيدة ليلى تئن للشاعر سامر ديبة


Laila Moans

 Prof. Jamal Assadi ترجمة لقصيدة ليلى تئن للشاعر سامر ديبة

وهذا الأخ الشاعر السوري الكريم يكرمنا بهذه القصيدة الجميلة'
Laila Moans
Laila moans
And my wound is bleeding and wet,
So who is to Laila and who is to me?
How can we bear it?
O oasis of illusion!
O love, like my dream
That death does not know
Except when it is thorough.
And I settled myself down
It will not taste love,
While bitterness in preventing what it desires
Is honey!
And I grew to believe
No wind can break me,
And that I am a mountain,
By no other mountain matched!
Until you demolished my fortresses
Just as a striking calamity does,
Is there any destroyer
As vicious as the virgins’ tears?
You showed up when I believed
That time has us separated,
And the events and the countries
From each other distanced us.
Laila moans owing to my moaning
Not knowing
That hearts fulfil promises
If eyes betray!
Laila moans
And Laila is not broken
By the sad lover’s revelation,
Desertion or fear.
But it's the age,
How hard its company is,
And we're all
from its plagues drunk.
Oh, age,
If without a dream I were,
We wouldn't have you seen
From our dreams abundantly yield.
Written by: Samer Deebah
Translated by: Prof. Jamal Assadi
¤¤¤¤¤ لَيْـــــلَى تَئِـــــنُّ ¤¤¤¤¤
لَيْـــــلَى تَئِـــــنُّ وَجُـــرْحِي نَـــازِفٌ خَضِـــــلُ
فَمَـــــنْ لِلَيْلَــى وَمَـــنْ لِـــيْ كَيْـــــفَ نَحْتَمِلُ
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وَبِنْــــــتِ لَمَّا أَمِنْــــــتُ الدَّهْــــــرَ يَفْـــــرِقُنَا
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بَــــوْحُ الشَّــــجِــــيِّ وَلَا بُعْــــدٌ وَلَا وَجَــــلُ
لَكِنَّــــــهُ الدَّهْــــرُ مَــــا أَقْسَــــى عَرِيْكَتَــــهُ
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لَمَــــا رَأَيْنَـــــاكَ مــــن أَحَــــلَامِــــنَا تَغِــــلُ

سامر ديبة

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